Tour and Travel Bromo Trans Java – 0851-5772-0430 . Not only get the view of the sunrise that we normally enjoy in the morning, you will be presented with a very beautiful sunrise from the top of the mountains around Mount Bromo, you will see a very amazing view of the sun that comes out of the mountains and see the whole area directly Mount Bromo at sunrise. Not only enjoy the sunrise, you will also breathe fresh air, there are several places to enjoy the beauty of sunrise in the Mount Bromo area.

  1. Seruni poit

Seruni is one of the favorite choices for travelers who want to see the beauty of the sun rising, seruni point is in ngadisari village, sub-district of Sukapura, Probolinggo district, East Java, at the peak of seruni point travelers can see the vast sea of ​​sand and can also see the whole of Mount Bromo and Gunging Shell not only from the top of Seruni Point we can also see the tip of the peak of Mount Semeru. Seruni Point is equipped with 256 steps and at the top of Seruni Point there is a typical Tengger tribe gate which is very suitable for photography lovers.

  • The peak Penanjakan

The peak Penanjakan is the highest peak to see the beauty of the sun rising on Mount Bromo, The peak penanjakan has complete facilities such as prayer rooms and many people sell there, if we want to see the sun rise from the top of the climb, don’t forget to wear a thick jacket, scarf and gloves, because visitors to the peak of exposure will be exposed to very strong winds and at the top of the survey are the coldest places among other sunrise spots.

  • Mentigen Hill

Mentigen Hill is on the east side of Mount Bromo, from the Mentigen hill a traveler will enjoy the charm of a thick sea of ​​clouds, the Mentigen mountain hill is still a natural observation point only in the form of a path on the ridge of oxygen many ferns and cantigi trees grow around the observation.

You who want to enjoy the sunrise and are still confused about how to go to one place, we can help you to reach one of the places to see the sunrise, we Bromo Trans Java as a travel company in Indonesia will be ready to help you with the best service and cheap travel prices .

For information about Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater which are reopened, you are still hesitant to visit the natural attractions of Mount Bromo and the Ijen Crater which are very beautiful. For those of you who want to travel to Mount Bromo or the Ijen Crater, Bromotransjava is the right solution as the best tour and travel service in Probolinggo that is ready to take you. Tour and Travel Bromo Trans


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