Prambanan Temple is one of the tourist attractions that must be visited while you are in Indonesia, especially if you are doing a Yogyakarta tour, don’t miss Prambanan Temple to visit, because Prambanan Temple is an Indonesian ancestral heritage site, there are many stories in Prambanan Temple, including the history of past human civilizations and other stories, not only to see historical relics, at Prambanan Temple it is also very good for photo spots, many unique places for you to take pictures with friends, friends and your partner, Prambanan Temple is one of the temples The biggest in Indonesia besides Borobudur Temple.
Prambanan Temple is the largest and grandest Hindu temple in Indonesia which was built in ancient Java, construction was started by Sri Maharaja Rakai Pikatan, the construction of this temple was to mark the return of the Sanjaya family to power in Java. With the construction of this temple, of course, it is a sign that Hinduism has regained royal support after the Syailendra dynasty.
The first Prambana temple was built around 850M based on the Siwagrha inscription from 856M, this sacred building was built to honor the god Shiva and its original name in Sanskrit is siwagrha (Sanskrit shiva-grha which means Shiva’s house)
For information about PRAMBANAN TEMPLE and BOROBUDUR TEMPLE which are reopened, you are still hesitant to visit the natural attractions of PRAMBANAN TEMPLE and The BOROUDUR TEMPLE which are very beautiful. For those of you who want to travel to PRAMBANAN TEMPLE and BOROBUDUR TEMPLE, BROMO JAVA ADVENTURE is the right solution as the best tour and travel service in Probolinggo that is ready to take you. Tour and Travel BROMO JAVA ADVENTURE – btransjava@gmail.com